Admit nothing!
People's Weekly World - USA
... Senate, Pennsylvania's Sen. Rick Santorum, took to the stump selling the privatization of Social Security Feb. 21, but he stumbled ...
A sometimes funny, somtimes angry, but mostly progressive, blog on the politics and issues of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and America.
He takes from the Poor!
Specter to fight cuts for Amtrak, vets
Philadelphia Inquirer (subscription) - Philadelphia,PA,USA
NJ's senators also decried proposals. Santorum said the budget process was only just starting. ... Rick Santorum (R., Pa.), who is up for reelection next year. ...
To give to the wealthy!
Businesses lobby to restrict class actions
Detroit Free Press - Detroit,MI,USA
... Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., the chamber's third-ranking Republican. ... court. Santorum says both bills would be brought up later this year. ...
But Friday, at the beginning of forums on cutting government, Deb McCown said she and her conservative friends were more concerned with tax cuts and Social Security reform than social reform.
"One of the speakers everybody hated yesterday was that senator from Pennsylvania," said McCown, 22, editor of the Carolina Review, a conservative magazine at the University of North Carolina. "He got up there and started talking about marriage, as if it was the biggest issue. But it's not. It's taxing and spending."
see full story at
This was supplied and excerpted by a friend:
Subject: On the terrorism front, 2 good reads - didn't they say they'd make us safer???
Published: February 17, 2005 to read full article
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 - New intelligence information strongly suggests that Al Qaeda has considered infiltrating the United States through the Mexican border, top government officials told Congress on Wednesday.
In a wide-ranging assessment of threats to American security, including those posed by Iran and North Korea, the officials also said intelligence indicated that terrorist organizations remained intent on obtaining and using devastating weapons against the United States.
War Helps Recruit Terrorists, Hill Told
By Dana Priest and Josh White
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, February 17, 2005; Page A01 for full article
The insurgency in Iraq continues to baffle the U.S. military and intelligence communities, and the U.S. occupation has become a potent recruiting tool for al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, top U.S. national security officials told Congress yesterday.
"Islamic extremists are exploiting the Iraqi conflict to recruit new anti-U.S. jihadists," CIA Director Porter J. Goss told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
My (this e-mailer's) questions, if you choose to read on with both articles...
1 - Where is the certain safety that Bush said he provided the U.S. and its citizens?
2 - Why does he feel the need to tell us we will be attacked by Al Qaeda? It doesn't solve the problem he said didn't exist in the first place, and it only fuels fear. (Oops, I answered my first question.)
3 - Why are we in Iraq again? I forgot.
4. - Why, with all of this threat of terrorism going on again and a union of Syria and Iran against us now, too, is Bush so focused on "fixing" Social Security, which will cost the U.S. Citizens TRILLIONS of dollars? It seems to be his main front while all of this surfaces.
5 - Does this remind anyone of The Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland? ("We're painting the roses RED today...")
Remainder of Washington Post article follows here.
"These jihadists who survive will leave Iraq experienced and focused on acts of urban terrorism," he said. "They represent a potential pool of contacts to build transnational terrorist cells, groups and networks in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other countries."
On a day when the top half-dozen U.S. national security and intelligence officials went to Capitol Hill to talk about the continued determination of terrorists to strike the United States, their statements underscored the unintended consequences of the war in Iraq.
"The Iraq conflict, while not a cause of extremism, has become a cause for extremists," Goss said in his first public testimony since taking over the CIA. Goss said Abu Musab Zarqawi, a Jordanian terrorist who has joined al Qaeda since the U.S. invasion, "hopes to establish a safe haven in Iraq" from which he could operate against Western nations and moderate Muslim governments.
"Our policies in the Middle East fuel Islamic resentment," Vice Adm. Lowell E. Jacoby, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told the Senate panel. "Overwhelming majorities in Morocco, Jordan and Saudi Arabia believe the U.S. has a negative policy toward the Arab world."
Jacoby said the Iraq insurgency has grown "in size and complexity over the past year" and is now mounting an average of 60 attacks per day, up from 25 last year. Attacks on Iraq's election day last month reached 300, he said, double the previous one-day high of 150, even though transportation was virtually locked down.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told the House Armed Services Committee that he has trouble believing any of the estimates of the number of insurgents because it is so difficult to track them.
Rumsfeld said that the CIA and DIA had differing assessments at different times but that U.S. intelligence estimates of the insurgency are "considerably lower" than a recent Iraqi intelligence report of 40,000 hard-core insurgents and 200,000 part-time fighters. Rumsfeld told Rep. Ike Skelton (Mo.), the committee's ranking Democrat, that he had copies of the CIA and DIA estimates but declined to disclose them in a public session because they are classified.
"My job in the government is not to be the principal intelligence officer and try to rationalize differences between the Iraqis, the CIA and the DIA," Rumsfeld testified. "I see these reports. Frankly, I don't have a lot of confidence in any of them."
After the hearing, Rumsfeld told reporters that he did not mean to be "dismissive" of the intelligence reports.
"People are doing the best that can be done, and the fact is that people disagree," he said. ". . . It's not clear to me that the number is the overriding important thing."
Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House panel that the extremists associated with al Qaeda and Zarqawi represent "a fairly small percentage of the total number of insurgents."
Sunni Arabs, dominated by former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party, "comprise the core of the insurgency" and continue to provide "funds and guidance across family, tribal, religious and peer-group lines," Jacoby said.
Foreign fighters "are a small component of the insurgency," and Syrian, Saudi, Egyptian, Jordanian and Iranian nationals make up the majority of foreign fighters, he said.
On terrorism, Goss, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III and the acting deputy director of the Department of Homeland Security reiterated their belief that al Qaeda and other jihadist groups intend to strike the United States but offered no new information about the threat.
"It may be only a matter of time before al Qaeda or another group attempts to use chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons," Goss said.
Tom Fingar, assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research, submitted a written statement that said: "We have seen no persuasive evidence that al-Qaida has obtained fissile material or ever has had a serious and sustained program to do so. At worst, the group possesses small amounts of radiological material that could be used to fabricate a radiological dispersion device," or dirty bomb.
Mueller, whose bureau has the lead in finding and apprehending terrorists in the United States, said his top concern is "the threat from covert operatives who may be inside the U.S." and said finding them is the FBI's top priority. But he said they have been unable to do so.
"I remain very concerned about what we are not seeing," Mueller said.
"Whether we are talking about a true sleeper operative who has been in place for years, waiting to be activated to conduct an attack, or a recently deployed operative that has entered the U.S. to facilitate or conduct an attack, we are continuously adapting our methods to reflect newly received intelligence and to ensure we are as proactive and as targeted as we can be in detecting their presence," he said.
Mueller said transportation systems and nuclear power plants remain key al Qaeda targets.
Santorum urges support for marriage
World Peace Herald - Washington,DC,USA
WASHINGTON -- US Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., urged conservatives Thursday to back a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as between a man and a woman. ...
Bush is rounding out his team with the appointment of John "Death Squard" Negroponte as National Intelligence Director. As the ambassador to Honduras (1981 to 1985) he was oblivious to the activities of Contra death squads. He even denied in UN hearings that the death squads were operating in Honduras!
Negroponte should be a real team player and will be an excellent counter-part to the current junta of President "Bring 'em On" Bush, Vice President "FU" Cheney, Attorney General "Torture Guy" Gonzales, Secretary of State "Attack Anywhere Anytime" Rice and Defense Secretary "What Abuse?" Rumsfeld.
... gave exclusively to the GOP,and Bush last election, and have given to Senator Rick Santorum . Adelphia can do what they want. I just think its funny that Republicans take money from smut-peddlers when ...
... to continue the policy of putting our young people ahead of their bottom line." Santorum would not comment on Adelphia's decision. "Maybe the Republicans will be a little more forthcoming about it now ...
... 03 News Release Senator Rick Santorum Under Attack by Pro-Homosexual ... Considers Resolution Urging Adelphia to Drop the Porn Action ...
... Pa., were two conservative politicians focused on. Peterson denounced Adelphia's recent decision; Santorum "would not comment," according to ABC News. (176 words in story) Read Story & Discuss ...
... Could George H. W. Bush be deep throat ? Adelphia Communications, the 5th largest cable provider ... like Rep. John Peterson, R-Pa. and Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. who have both taken money from the ...
... of the Personal Liberty Party. Adelphia has given $166,000 to Republican committees, $17,000 to conservative Rep. John Peterson, R-Pa., and $12,000 to Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., one of the most ...
... the GOP's biggest moralizers like Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) refuse explain why the party of "moral ... As reported by the LA Times today, " Adelphia Communications Corp . has quietly become the nation's ...
... Could George H. W. Bush be deep throat ? Adelphia Communications, the 5th largest cable provider ... like Rep. John Peterson, R-Pa. and Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. who have both taken money from the ...
... contributions: The supplier of that smut, Adelphia has, according to ABC News "given $166,000 to Republican committees, and $12,000 to Sen. Rick Santorum, R-PA This news is not surprising, but the ...
... Acknowledges HPV Can Cause Cervical Cancer Information is long overdue. 2/9/2005 - MSNBC Reports: Adelphia’s Plan to Add Hardcore Pornography to its Cable Service February 8, 2005, 9PM EST 2/9/2005 - ...
Is the GOP running scared, or just running stupid: GOP banking on Diven to pick up state Senate seat and they have identified re-electing Santorum as a high priority. Why? Do they think he is vulnerable? On the liabilities, Rick is no foreign policy whiz: Senators Expect Iraqi Give-And-Take (San Francisco Chronicle – USA) ... Sen. Rick Santorum, the third-ranking Senate Republican, said he thought "it was a good thing that the Shiites can't just sort of dictate how things are to go. ...Of course this is exactly what the GOP has in America – an ability to dictate exactly how things are to go – so it is good for us, but it would be bad for Iraq? Of course what he doesn’t say is that it is the insurgents who seem to be dictating how things go, and they go bloody.
The passed the drug benefit to woo senior votes for the election and now that they won it, they want to throw Grandma from the train. Senate Budget Chairman Calls Medicare Drug Plan Too Expensive
Rick Santorum may join the Agriculture committee but that may not be enough for Pennsylvania’s farmers when the farm subsidy gets the ax. Let’s be clear that much of the abuse of the program is not the result of the small family farms in PA. IN Warren County, PA nearly 300 farms divided more than $12 million in subsidies over 8 year. That is not going to fill Bush’s deficit canyon. Farmers worry if subsidy cuts pass
Santorum and Bush want to limit our access to the courts: Bush to Get Bill on Class-Action Suits and they note that they HAVE to cut benefits, and there is an impending financial ciriss: Bush's Social Security tour comes to Pa., Bush to visit Montco to push Social Security proposal. Somehow we can still afford Santorum legislation to give $10 million to groups opposing regime. Even though Rick hasn’t been so good about paying his own way - Hearing Will Determine Whether Santorum Will Reimburse District
But Senator Skinflint would still be happy to campaign on how others have to tighten their belts: Santorum talks up fight he'd relish, because after all it is our money and the President should get to decide what special interests should get tax breaks and which third world nations that don’t pose a threat to us that we should invadeBush insists he'll blunt 'appetite' for spending
What does it mean to win? The victories that Rick Santorum relishes seem to have nothing to do with what is good for PA.
Allstate, GM, Pfizer Expect Congress to Limit Litigation Costs
Bloomberg - USA
... ``There's nothing that beats winning,'' says Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, the chamber's third-ranking Republican. ``That's a fact.''. ...
While we tighten our belts in the face of the federal budget cuts - which is our money that they are not spending on us - Rick and the other right-wing nut jobs demonstrate the other way to tighten belts - by gorging yourself on the fat of the land until your waist expands to meet your belt.
Pols get access to (relatively) cheap Bowl tickets (subscription) - Philadelphia,PA,USA
... Other top politicians planning to be there include US Sens. Arlen Specter and Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania. Santorum's campaign ...
Here we go again department:
Santorum: Greasing the Skids for Mass Murdering Iranians - Italy
February 4, 2005 - Rick Santorum is busy at work on the "Iran Freedom and Support Act," in other words a bill designed to get America ready to bomb Iran. ...
If Rick is home-schooling his kids - I hope his wife teaches them math.
Even the Social Security Administration disputes Rick Santorum's ...
The American Prospect - Boston,MA,USA
It was only two weeks after the tsunami, but you'd never know it from their film festival. Two and a half weeks after one of the ...